Yikes! Does This SNL Parody of “The Fox” Sound Familiar?

If you haven’t yet watched the spoof of  “The Fox” that aired last weekend on Saturday Night Live, you can check it out below. Set to music and peppered with animal costumes and dance moves, this video shows a couple’s  back-and-forth over a text (and more) and it might be very similar to what regularly happens in your own love relationship or marriage.

Everything is going along fine until your partner gets a suspicious text… You accuse. Your partner denies. You spy. Your partner retreats further away from you. You’re both miserable.

Here’s the clip from SNL and be sure to look for the relationship mistakes that BOTH the man and the woman make. Post in the comments what you find…

Jealousy can come up when a promise or commitment has been broken and also when your partner is doing nothing “wrong,” but what’s happening now brings up fears and bad memories from your past. In ALL cases, jealousy makes you miserable and unable to respond effectively to the current situation or to create the relationship you’ve been craving.

Don’t make the same mistakes that the couple in this video made! Join us on Thursday, November 7th at 9:00pm Eastern / 6 Pm Pacific Time for a FREE teleseminar: “10 Greatest Relationship Mistakes Of All Time Caused By Jealousy.”  Click here to reserve your spot today. 

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